Zurich Paracelsus Project

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NPE 7: The Psalm Commentary of Paracelsus (1530)

The Psalm Commentary (1530) represents Paracelsus's most extensive work. Only about half of it has been preserved. The main manuscript from the Heidelberg University Library used by Kurt Goldammer for his edition suffered severe water damage during the bombing of Dresden in 1945, when it was temporarily moved there. For a long time it was considered lost.

Because of its importance, the Psalm Commentary is re-edited according to modern editing principles.

A. Auslegung des dritten teils des psalters Davids

(Commentary on psalms 75/76 to 108/109)

B. Auslegung der psalmen des letzten vierteils nach brauch Davids des propheten (1530)

(Commentary on psalms 109/110 to 150)

In preparation. The final version may differ slightly due to further findings.

The Psalm Commentary (1530)

Psalm Commentary (1530)

Heidelberg University Library
Cod. Pal. Germ. 51, title page

Psalm Commentary (1530)

Heidelberg University Library
Cod. Pal. Germ. 51, first page