Zurich Paracelsus Project

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NPE 2: The Salzburg Reformation Writings of Paracelsus

The first dated writings of Paracelsus were written in Salzburg, namely treatises on the role of the Virgin Mary and the Holy Trinity against the background of the discussions of the spreading Reformation. Here Paracelsus defended the absolute divinity of Mary and thus followed a rather traditional line. There is some evidence that the treatise De genealogia Christi, which inter alia also deals with Mary, was completed as early as 1524 and not after 1530, as had been assumed until now.

A complete turn to the Reformation only took place with the writing On the seven points of Christian idolatry, in which the conventional form of worship was sharply criticized. The intention expressed in the letter to the Wittenberg reformers to reinterpret large parts of the Bible corresponded to the Reformation's "sola scriptura" principle (based only on the Bible) and was exemplified with a partial commentary on the Gospel of Matthew.

A. The Writings on the Virgin Mary

A1. De dignitate sanctae Mariae
A2. Super Salve regina explicatio
A3. In canticum Mariae (Magnificat)
A4. Alia explicatio cantici Mariae (Magnificat)
A5. Alia explicatio uberior in Magnificat
A6. Auslegung über das Ave Maria
A7. Auslegung über das Nunc dimittis
A8. Auslegung der Marienhymnen
A9. De invocatione beatae Mariae virginis
A10. Das Buch von Maria der Jungfrauen (15 Aug. 1524)
(The book on Mary the Virgin)
A11. De virgine sancta theotoca

B. Liber de sancta trinitate (8 Sept. 1524)

C. De genealogia Christi and fragments thereof

C1. De genealogia Christi
C2. Von der geburt Mariae und Christi
C3. Maria ist aus Anna geboren, aber aus Joachim nicht
C4. De Ecclesiastici 24

D. Early Sermons

D1. Sermo de sancta trinitate
D2. Sermo de partu virginis
D3. Sermo de passione domini
D4. Sermo de purgatorio

E. De septem punctis idolatriae christianae (14 Nov. 1524)

(On the seven points of Christian idolatry)

F. The Letter to the Wittenberg Reformers with Addendum (March 1525)

F1. The Letter to Luther, Melanchthon and Bugenhagen
F2. The Commentary to the First Five Chapters of Matthew

In preparation. The final version may differ slightly due to further findings.

Das Buch von Maria der
Jungfrauen (15 Aug. 1524)

Das Buch von Maria der Jungfrauen

Wrocław University Library
Cod. Rhed. 333, 2°, f. 133r

The Letter to Luther, Melanchthon
and Bugenhagen (March 1525)

The Letter to Luther, Melanchthon and Bugenhagen (March 1525)

Oberlausitzische Bibliothek der
Wissenschaften, Görltiz
Cod. Th. VI. 146, 4°, p. 169