Zurich Paracelsus Project

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NPE 4: The Commentaries of Paracelsus on Matthew part 2 and on the New Testament Epistles

In addition to further commentaries on the Gospel of Matthew and the Lord's Prayer, this volume also contains some commentaries on epistles of the New Testament.

A. (Vierte Auslegung) Evangelium secundum Matthaeum ("Ex principio")

(The fourth Matthew commentary)

B. Fragments of a Fifth Commentary on Matthew

(chapters 6-23)

C. Further Fragments on the Gospels

C1. Ein Kommentar zu Matthäus 23 und 24
C2. Fragmenta super Mattheum et Marcum
C3. Aliud fragmentum super Matthaeum
C4. Sermo super verbum "Cum natus esset" (Matth. 2)
C5. Auslegung des Evangelium Johannis am Ersten, In Principio

D. Commentaries on the Lord's Prayer

D1. Explicatio orationis dominicae
D2. Scolia über das Vaterunser

E. Vom Grund des Alten und des Neuen Testaments

(On the fundamentals of the Old and the New Testament)

F. Commentaries on New Testament Epistles

F1. Fragment eines Kommentars zum 1. Petrusbrief
F2. Vorrede in die Episteln Johannis
F3. Vorrede (al. Beschluss) über Jakobi und Judae Epistel
F4. Epistolae Judae Apostoli textus
F5. Auslegung der Epistel Judae Apostoli

In preparation. The final version may differ slightly due to further findings.

Epistolae Petri primae

Epistolae Petri primae

Heidelberg University Library
Cod. Pal. Germ. 476, f. 22r

Epistolae Judae Apostoli

Epistolae Judae Apostoli

Leiden University Library
Cod. Voss. Chym. 24, 2°, f. 194r