Zurich Paracelsus Project

Zurich Paracelsus Project

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The Goldammer Edition of Paracelsus (1955-1995)

After the failure of the Matthiessen edition of Paracelsus' theological writings in 1935, Sudhoff succeeded in engaging the newly appointed Leipzig professor of the history of theology Heinrich Bornkamm (1901-1977) for this project. Bornkamm, who later stood in a bad light for the cooperation with the Nazi regime, began preliminary work in 1938 and developed an edition program.

Since 1941 Bornkamm has been supported by the young theologian Kurt Goldammer (1916-1997), who later became editor-in-chief in 1953. He was supported. Goldammer himself found an experienced assistant in the specialist for German studies Karl-Heinz Weimann (1922-2006), who had presented in his PhD thesis an examination of the vocabulary used by Paracelsus.

With the determined help of Weimann, it was possible for Goldammer to present several volumes in short succession. However, after Weimann's departure in 1962, the edition lost its momentum. Only a few further volumes were published and at much greater intervals, a process that eventually led to the final failure of the edition. Of the planned fourteen volumes, only six were completed together with a supplementary volume and an index. They are in print at the Franz Steiner Verlag.

Volume 2 (1965): Ethische, soziale und politische Schriften; Schriften über Ehe, Taufe, Busse und Beichte

Volume 3 (1986): Dogmatische und polemische Einzelschriften

Volume 4 (1955): Auslegung des Psalters David, Teil I: Kommentar zu den Psalmen 75 (76) bis 102 (103)

Volume 5 (1957): Auslegung des Psalters David, Teil II: Kommentar zu den Psalmen 103 (104) bis 117 (118)

Volume 6 (1959): Auslegung des Psalters David, Teil III: Kommentar zu den Psalmen 118 (119) bis 137 (138)

Volume 7 (1961):

  • Auslegung des Psalters David, Teil IV: Kommentar zu den Psalmen 138 (139) bis 150
  • Auslegung über die zehen gebott gottes
  • Fragmentarische Entwürfe zu den zehn Geboten (Lamentationes in praecepta)
  • Jesajakommentar (In Esaiam prophetam maximum philosophia)
  • Danielkommentar (Explicatio in Danielem prophetam)

Supplement (1973): Religiöse und sozialphilosophische Schriften in Kurzfassungen

Register (1995): Index to volumes 4 to 7

Kurt Goldammer 1916-1997

Kurt Goldammer